[ nos-tal-gia ]

Friday, March 14, 2014

Love is a song that never ends.

Good day everyone! :D

Went out with him on Tuesday for Thai food! Yumyum, super delicious! The place is located near Concorde Hotel. Much nicer than Porn's, although it is at a food court. Hahas! Didn't managed to take any pictures because we are all too hungry. LOL!

Anyways, today is my school's 30th anniversary cross country run :3 It was super annoying because we have lessons before the run still. Arghs! Anyways, the run was a success, although I walked most of it. Hahahas! :D

Started off with the 09/13 girls, with the exception of Kaiyuan and Evelias who had the competitive run. LOL! :D Then slowly, it left with Amanda, Weina, Xingyu, Yiran and yours truly. But at the very end, only left Xingyu, Yiran and me. x.x LOLOL! :DD

P.S. I think I have become a little closer to Xingyu now. In the past, I cannot even talk to her. No common topics. Yet, thanks to this cross country, it allows me to bond and interact more with my friends. YAY! (Y)

(At the finishing point with le clique)

(09/13 girls carrying similar schoolbags :P and a lousy photographer)

After the cross country, we went to AMK for Korean cuisine. Hehes, simply scrumptious! ^^ It was worth the price, as the food is quite filling. LOL! We had beef, pork, chicken and squid! Woots! && not to forget, my favourite kimchi! I had been craving kimchi for nearly a month already! Cravings satisfied. Hahahahas! :P

(Raw squid and chicken!)

(Raw beef and pork!)

(While trying to grill our food)

Delicious food on a wonderful day. Woohoo!~ :D Looking forward to tomorrow's trip to NUS Open House with Amanda and Kaiyuan, and maybe Weina. Hehes! 

There is something sweeter everybody needs.
I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss,
and a prince I'm hoping comes with this.
That's what brings everaftering so happy.

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