[ nos-tal-gia ]

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Everything has beauty but not everyone can see it.

(Recent cravings)

Life of a princess no more, now I'm living as a fugitive. (Running away from work) T.T

I used to welcome the idea of working overtime, because I am actually a workaholic, and it is also a source of extra income, why not? I have the time anyway. But now that it is really going to happen, I started to dread it.

In the past, the work were relatively easy as compared to now. It was more on admin matters; I took on easy jobs like scanning, printing and photocopying. Now, I am looking more and more at numbers, which can be quite overwhelming at times. T.T And assignments after assignments were thrown onto me, forming a huge mountain. I felt a little suffocated to be honest.

But it's okay. It is a great chance to learn. I mean, the busier you get, the more things you'll learn right? Sighpie. But I'm not ready to take on the challenge yet. :3

Today, I guessed I was supposed to work overtime because there were some urgent assignments. Okay no wait, actually I was in the midst of doing Assignment A and they threw Assignment B to me, asking me to clear it first for it is more urgent. More urgent doesn't mean it is urgent and should be passed up at the end of the day rights? LOLOL! I'm using word play to convince myself that it is not really wrong for me to sneak out because I don't want to work overtime.

And yup, you saw that correctly. I sneaked out because I don't want to work overtime. Hahahahas! But karma strikes at its best. T.T I didn't know it was raining. And because I'm 'on the run', I was in a hurry to get out of the office and boom! As soon as I opened the door, the rain started pelting down hard on me and I was drenched from head to toe. :/ I ran back to the building again to prepare my umbrella before venturing out again.

Trying to avoid the rain (because my umbrella is quite weak against the strong winds), I brisk walked to the MRT station as fast as my legs could carry me. And uhno, I tripped over my feet. Zzz, fell hard on the cold unfeeling wet ground, but thank gawd there was nobody around to witness this embarrassing scene. I quickly got back on my feet, brushed my skirt, and started walking again.

Can things get any worse? A few seconds later, a stupid bus zoomed past and it made such a big splash and I got wet once again. And... I'm wearing white. Omg. What lousy luck! Yeahs, perhaps staying to work overtime is a better idea. Sighpie.

Ending off with yet another artistic shot of my current favourite. Hope the day will get better. x.x

(Starbucks please!)

My hands are cold, my body's numb.
I'm still in shock, what have you done?
My heart is pounding, my vision's blurred.
Your mouth is moving, I don't hear a word.

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