[ nos-tal-gia ]

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The best things in life are free. I'm dreaming up a world with you.

(Ripped from chibird.tumblr.com)

How true.

Sometimes when we are too focused on the pursuit of material goods and we wallowed in self-pity when we are met with dreadful setbacks, we tend to forget that the best things in life are free.

How long has it been since you last gave a hug to someone dear to you? How long has it been since you last laugh heartily and it comes right from your true heart and not under a false pretence? How long has it been since you last have 8 hours of sleep per day?

Why do people have the tendency to forget these small little things that are free yet make us happy? Because we are too blinded by material pursuit, because we are too caught up by our hunger for more, that we continue living at such fast pace of life and we forgot to stop and enjoy the process of it.

So slow down and breathe. Look around you. Enjoy your life. Live in the moment.

Walking on a tightrope wire,
dropping poison pills of fire.
Hynoptised. Euphoria will be here soon.
Turn the lights down, let the answers fill the room.

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