[ nos-tal-gia ]

Friday, September 1, 2017

Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.

It has been a week since my bestie flew overseas for her exchange, and I missed her terribly. Sighs.

(Bon Voyage)

Woke up early and went all the way to Changi to send her off. Achievement unlocked because I managed to wake up early and reach on time LOL :D And thankfully, I don't have school that day.

All the best, Amanda! Have fun and enjoy yourself over there! Make new friends and maybe get a new angmoh boyboy when you come back. Hehehehes :D

Throwback to our last outing before she flew. We decided to head to National Gallery to see the YAYOI KUSAMA: Life is the Heart of a Rainbow exhibition. (: Yay, it is so pretty! And also, Manda recently got a camera so we can go to the exhibition and experiment with it!

(Took us a million attempts to get this photo)

And yup, this is like one of my rarest times whereby I could actually feel the author through her exhibitions. The pain, the torture she went through, it was all so visible to me. (Also thanks Amanda for giving me a synopsis before we go, because it helps in my understanding uh HAHAHA)

(My pretty bestie)

We learnt this phototaking trick by observing people. It is like a fisheye effect, but I feel that this is nicer than that. I don't really like how the fisheye effect will make my background looks like it is swallowing the person in the foreground. Hey, I really suck at explaining this type of photography stuff because I'm no expert in photography, but you get what I mean rights! Anyways, I realised that when I start observing my surroundings, I actually gain a lot. LOL! 

(Galaxy Fantasy)

Sorry I just made up a name for this exhibition because I cannot remember already LOL! But yup, I think we faced the wrong side (should face the front instead of the side), hence there's reflection of us. But then again, we were only given 20 seconds inside this exhibition (like wtf can I do in 20 seconds) and there's a couple in front of us so... But I have to admit, this is the most beautiful thing ever! 

(Polka Dots)

This is another cool exhibition whereby we put our heads into this box/container-like thing and tada, a whole new world! It was so pretty even though the orange dots gave me a headache initially. It was all around. LOL! 

(Attempting a candid shot)

Hahaha, thanks Manda for snapping away to get the best candid shot for me. Psssh, I really suck at acting candid, so we really interacted and Manda was just there snapping random shots of me. LOL! But this photo was so nice! I looked so happy hahaha! 

(The way the little boy looks at me. Is he falling in love with me?)

I refused to admit that 90% he is probably judging me instead. LOL! Dropped by the Gallery Children's Biennale 2017 and omg, it is a kids' heaven! Everything is plastered with polka dots and sometimes you just can't really tell what object it is.

(You have to do a double take to realised that there is actually another chair on the other side of the table)

Reminds me of cognitive psychology - how our brains were playing tricks on us. Hahaha! Reality vs perception. Okay enough of psychology, I'm so sick of it. LOL!

(That little girl is the bombz)

Hahaha! The mother was so brilliant to dress the baby girl up in polka dots LOL. Note that she didn't paste polka dots on her dress initially (she did after Amanda asked her to, that's why when we were young, our parents often taught us to not speak to strangers. Amanda, why you so bad influence!) The original dress was already filled with polka dots LOL!

Go visit the exhibition guys, it is free of charge for students! (: I'm not sure if it is still ongoing, so please check before heading down! It is definitely worth the visit.

You took me up to the azure sky,
but you didn't know how to really fly
and we crashed into a heap of
sudden goodbyes.

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