Day 9:
Attended PL2131 lecture with Amanda and Hsuwen, and we saw Lash again. (: Lecturer was teaching a new chapter but I am catching up bit by bit. Perhaps because people around me all commented on how bad she was, I guessed I had made sufficient 心理准备 so I found her to be exceeding my expectations. She knows her stuff well at least, and after attending her third lecture, I am beginning to understand her accent better and it is not too bad.
Immediately after the lecture was my PL2131 tutorial, and the lecturer took the first lesson. We were taught SPSS, a software often used by psychologists for research purposes. I must say, it is too much for my brain to absorb because I am a technological noob. Thanks Amanda for being the mountain that I can rely on when I am lost during lesson. Hahahahas! (:
Went for my Rotaract sub-committee interview whilst Amanda headed for her next tutorial. And LOLOL, I think I messed up a little hahahahas. But whatever, I don't care anymore. Thanks Amanda for helping me and Minghan for thinking that I seemed as though I have the capability to resume such roles, it is really an encouragement. :DD
(Update: I got in my third choice, publicity department, for the Rotaract's Project Embrace. Not sure if I will enjoy it since it is my third choice after all. But ohwell, I shall accept any challenge that come my way. Hahahahas!)
Day 10:
Thursday blues. Met up with Amanda earlier for subway 1-for-1 (cheap cheap!) for lunch, before heading back to school for five hours of lessons with only one hour break in between. :/ My life....
But yay, good day because I met up with Huiqi for dinner at Jurong Point! (: Saw Xiaofang around also, so it is like double happiness. That feeling when you saw your old good friends (Y) Bliss.
(Swensens for us)
(Not forgetting dessert!)
Complained a lot about university to Huiqi because we haven't met up for ages. Feels good to have someone to drown my sorrows to, lest I really turn bonkers from university. And I'm sorry for the lack of human photos these days. :/ I forgot to take selfies with Huiqi again, lmao!
Day 11:
Worst day ever because I went to walk one round in hell before coming back. T.T Most stressed tutorial ever in my entire 19 years of my life, and it had to be a psychology tutorial. Arghs!
Long story cut short: I felt dumb and useless in the tutorial because my classmates & tutor are like damn smart?! How can people memorise the entire chapter so fast and even went tutorial without notes?! Omg, amazing. Come I give you a clap. :3
The only comforting words that I can tell myself now is to convince myself into thinking that those people studied biology before, and I have never touch it before, so it kind of give me a reason to not know the contents well. LOLOL! Self-deceiving much. And I suddenly realised the importance of biology. Bangwall.
Thankfully that my first Malay Studies tutorial went well and it ended much earlier than expected and the class was pretty chillax (at least I don't feel dumb and useless even though I didn't contribute anything).
'Cause our two
Hearts will make it easy
Joining up the pieces
Together making one.