[ nos-tal-gia ]

Friday, September 13, 2013

Not even the Kodak could capture our memories.

Welcome back. Hahas, :D Friday the 13th. Today has been very mundane to me. I'm just lazing around at home, read a few of my notes and slack the whole day. Super enjoy life rights. :D Ohno, I should really wake up from my laziness!

It has been awhile since I went out to have some fun. (Sorry, but I'm forever stuck at home, with my mummy nagging me to study). So I was scrolling through my gallery, and suddenly fond memories of a family outing this June holidays struck me.

Introducing to you, Gardens By The Bay! It was a pretty fun place, except the fact that it was super crowded and I found it hard to breathe. But nonetheless, I did enjoy myself well and managed to snap some photos of pretty flowers, and of course pretty me. Hahas, just kidding! :D Ohwell.

(Pretty scenery and model)

Hahas, it was an enjoyable trip as it has been awhile since I went out with my family. However, the walk to the flower dome was pretty hot, I was sweating like hell. Yeahs, shit the weather.

More pictures...

(magnificient view behind!)

(flowers, flowers)

(even more flowers) 

I still have many photos in my phone, but I am too lazy to upload them. Hahas, :D Laziness strikes again! And finally, my own reflections. I think this trip had bonded my family even strongly. Families are a pillar of support for us. We should learn to treasure and appreciate them. They are the ones who will be there for us when we needed them. They are the ones who will catch us when we fall. We often take our families for granted, and tend to side with our friends. But not to forget, families should always be our first priority, no matter how important friends are to us.

Alright, on the last note, I sincerely recommend the Singapore's Gardens By The Bay, it is a perfect spot for dating or family outings! Pretty flowers, pretty sceneries everywhere!

I'm drowning in our memories.
Can't stop thinking, thinking about you.
You left me lonely and confused.
It was a lie right from the start.


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