哭过就好了 - 梁文音
不喜欢怀疑什么 并不表示我没有感受
看你微妙的变化 慢慢不同
我不是生气 只是心痛
最讨厌被误会了 但越解释越觉得难过
你可以说人会变 但不能说
哭过就好了 伤都会好的
爱是为了拥抱 为了牵手
不是为了争吵 为了调头
哭过就好了 痛都会走的
记忆有限 所以它会淘汰坏的
失眠听歌 想念虽然苦涩
This is my current mood earlier in the morning today. Except it was not because of love that left me tearing, it was my friend and her arrangement of my grouping in my Service Learning project! Tsktsk. She grouped me with Yiran, Tingkiat, Yinzhi, Algernon and Jiaxin. Sucks manzxc. Initially I was happy because I have Yiran and Tingkiat, whom I'm closest to in the whole group. Then I realised they have to leave in the middle to set up and mend their stations, for they are station masters. Zzz. Then I left with Yinzhi, although I had not really talked to him before, but at least he is someone whom I can try to make small talks with. But I realised he has to leave in the middle for his logistics planning as well. So left me with Algernon and Jiaxin. What the hell?!
Jiaxin probably won't even appear during our Service Learning project. Fine. I don't care. Then Algernon is this annoying super talkative guy that I cannot stand. Ohgawd, how am I supposed to survive the whole Service Learning project with him?! Stupid to the max. I really cannot understand what in the world is Kaiyuan thinking. Why group me with the both of them?! My group cannot function like that!!! >.< I might as well just take MC on that day. Haish.
So I cried. Although I knew about the groups earlier, I can't help but teared again. :3 Yupp, you have seen correctly, tears. Haish, I have a weak heart, I cannot handle such stress that easily. Hate today. But luckily, I have my besties, Amanda and Weina, who accompanied me to eat at Bukit Timah and shop at JEM. Virgin experience at JEM! Amanda bought 2 pairs of shoes at H&M. Ohgawd, 2 shoes for the price of 1?! Awesome deals manzxc! :DDD But I have similar shoes already, decided to pass.
Anyways, I'm feeling much better now as I typed this post. I promised I will not cry anymore. I'm not a crybaby. The reality is harsh, I have to learn to accept it. && through this, I think I somehow get to understand who are my true friends. Thanks.
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