[ nos-tal-gia ]

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Your love pours down on me, surrounding me like a waterfall.

Little rants of the day:

I'm a little annoyed by my school's system. Alright, not just a little. I am freaking annoyed. To be precise, it is my teacher's system and my CCA system. Arghs!! Wts, why is it my fault that I cannot manage to sell my tickets. Funfair tickets, AJCO tickets and stuff. The dates of the events are during common tests and prelims (for my juniors who are currently Secondary 4 this year) period. It is no wonder why people do not want to come. Why do I have to absorb all the tickets. Fuck. It is not a small sum can. From today on, I am going to start saving (to pay for these fucked up ticket debts), so please don't jio me out. Arghs.

&& please, just for your information, I do not have a lot of allowance. My money comes from the things that I sell (which I even have to split profits with my little sister). && because now school is really busy, I don't have time to sell anything anymore. Fuck CCA. Fuck teachers. Fuck JC life.

Sorry, but I'm really damn annoyed with Kaiyuan and Eve for the funfair tickets still. Kaiyuan managed to sell, Eve absorbed all. Wts, stop persuading me to ask W to buy these tickets. I don't want to trouble him, plus he won't want to come to funfairs. Furthermore, even if he comes, he will stick to me and I have to stick to Amanda and this will just make things damn complicated. Arghs! Why can't people just put themselves in my shoes?

&& mummy, please stop screaming and nagging at me to do my work. 我已经够烦了, I don't need you to add oil to the fire. Thank you very much.

And now I'm all alone again,
nowhere to turn, no one to go to.
Without a home, without a friend,
without a face to say hello to.

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