So much love for this bunch of friends. I'm so glad that I decided to jump ship and jump over to this group. LOL, #survivalskills They are really the nicest project group mates that one could ever ask for. I embrace diversity, we have two FASS, one engineering and one architecture students in the group. P.S. I think FASS peeps are too hostile, hanging out with people from other faculties are better. LOLOL! No freeloaders even though this CFG is a useless module, and it is only a pass/fail module. Thanks for putting in all the hard work and effort, I couldn't ask for more. :D I'm really, really happy to meet this group. Even though I hate CFG (easy module but me and seminars just don't click), they are balls of sunshine who always make CFG better (I emphasise better, not good LOL. Y'know, relatively). Please hang out more together! Hahahas!
So we ended our CFG presentation yesterday with a bang. :D As the last speaker, as I was presenting halfway, I noticed the nods that the facilitators (aka judges) gave each other. Joanne even mumbled under her breath that 'they were good'. Hehehes, so happy because our efforts paid off. :D Thanks Gwenda and Jingren for their slides, because the slides were really damn pretty. A for effort!
So we ended our CFG presentation yesterday with a bang. :D As the last speaker, as I was presenting halfway, I noticed the nods that the facilitators (aka judges) gave each other. Joanne even mumbled under her breath that 'they were good'. Hehehes, so happy because our efforts paid off. :D Thanks Gwenda and Jingren for their slides, because the slides were really damn pretty. A for effort!

(Standing alongside our Gratitude tree, which was done up during the seminar on Happiness. Very colourful, very happy!)
Then it was time for the peer voting (ie. everyone in the class have to vote for the best presenting team). And woohoo, our group and this another group tied and emerged as the top! It was satisfactory to gain recognition for our group's efforts. But at the same time, I was hoping actually that we would get one lesser vote and emerged as the second instead (because our group don't want to be chosen to give the presentation on this separate event to all the bigshots, such as the CEOs from various companies LOL).
As everyone is mingling around in the room, Joanne walked over and told us that our video was great (I do one! :P Trying to claim credit LOL). The CFG team even took snippets of our video and compiled with other selected groups' videos to make into a concluding video. Hehehes, :DD
(Then our poster was in the top 3!)
Grateful to have Kevin in our group because he is a professional in Photoshop. Hahahahas! :D Check out the poster made by him, so much love. And because we won the top 3, we were awarded with this Starbucks reward. Time to meet up with the entire group again over a Starbucks date after Finals! YAY! I'm really, really thankful to meet this bunch. I finally see some light in making friends in the University.
By the way, special thanks to JinJie for accompanying me for lunch yesterday, if not I'd have to eat alone (which I disliked the most). Hehes, he waited for me whilst I finish up my NM2104 post survey (time-wasting only omg, but 20 minutes to earn credit for grades, why not rights!) After yesterday, we realised that we have a lot of communication problems. Hahahas! Omg, really cannot talk to him. We always get the wrong context and all, and it always ended up being damn hilarious. LOL, omg.
Met the rest of the GER group for a meeting from 5.30pm which lasted all the way till 9pm omg?! No dinner, and lucky I wasn't hungry :P Productive because we were 70% done with the summary (it was getting too sian, and we ended up doing it anyhow). Thanks Ben and Jinjie for staying all the way till 9pm. It was always laughters with them, I think I grew abs again Hahahas! YAY, Wednesday was gooooood! (Y)
Grateful to have Kevin in our group because he is a professional in Photoshop. Hahahahas! :D Check out the poster made by him, so much love. And because we won the top 3, we were awarded with this Starbucks reward. Time to meet up with the entire group again over a Starbucks date after Finals! YAY! I'm really, really thankful to meet this bunch. I finally see some light in making friends in the University.
By the way, special thanks to JinJie for accompanying me for lunch yesterday, if not I'd have to eat alone (which I disliked the most). Hehes, he waited for me whilst I finish up my NM2104 post survey (time-wasting only omg, but 20 minutes to earn credit for grades, why not rights!) After yesterday, we realised that we have a lot of communication problems. Hahahas! Omg, really cannot talk to him. We always get the wrong context and all, and it always ended up being damn hilarious. LOL, omg.
Met the rest of the GER group for a meeting from 5.30pm which lasted all the way till 9pm omg?! No dinner, and lucky I wasn't hungry :P Productive because we were 70% done with the summary (it was getting too sian, and we ended up doing it anyhow). Thanks Ben and Jinjie for staying all the way till 9pm. It was always laughters with them, I think I grew abs again Hahahas! YAY, Wednesday was gooooood! (Y)
Cigarettes smoke swirl
Brake lights, broken promises.
1000 miles through the rain,
Left to my own thoughts.
Driving all night, a single stolen
kiss on the second floor stairwell.
Never a goodbye,
We just stopped existing as us.
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