I thought that this format was great because it is more organised. Hehehes :D
(Ripped from Tumblr)
Things to be grateful for:
1) Colleagues did not forget about you. ❤
Was pleasantly surprised when my colleague from a previous job sent me a text and updated me about the 'company's affairs' a few days ago. Hehehes, even though I worked for that company for a short while only, it felt good that your colleague did not forget about you! Hehehes, I think it is important to maintain such relationship with ex-colleagues; I really value the friendship formed. :DD
Anyways, I finally found the courage to say hi to my ex-boss. I worked at that company after O's, which is like four years ago?! LOLOL, I was quite shocked when she started appearing frequently in the shop ever since the start of this sem. But since today is the last I will patronise the shop... Decided to ask her if she still remember me. AND YESH SHE DID.
Except that she can't remember my name. And I cannot remember what name did I used that time. Was it Angie or was it yanqi? Hahahas first world problems omg.
So anyways, I went "Hey, are you (name)?" Then she smiled and said, "I remembered you". Hehehehehes :DDD
2) School is officially out! ❤
Last day of school today, and boy, was I glad that I managed to survive hell week. Although I felt a little sick after sleeping only for 4h one day, otherwise all was good. :D
Hehehes, as of now three modules are down which makes me feel very happy like I'm floating in the air. Kidding, I don't feel anything. This semester really passed too fast. LOL. T.T The only thing I'm glad about is that there will be no more writing at the moment anymore. Wah I really had enough of press releases and news writing and social media writing already. T.T
3) Groupmates did not disappoint me. ❤
Would like to thank my NM3219 groupmates for being so efficient. Although it was a bit of a rush nearing the deadline, I'm quite happy with how everything turned out in the end. Took us four hours to do slides, but hehehes, not trying to show off, but I think our slides looked the nicest among the other groups even though we have zero artistic flair. (Don't expect too much, we still stick with white background and all, but if you do relative comparison, I think our slides look good. I think because our slides really have minimal words LOL).
Yeahs, and although we were met with crisis two weeks before the deadline (when my lecturer suddenly dropped a bomb and said our idea won't work), and everyone of us went into a panic attack. I'm glad we managed to pull it off together and I am really a proud owner of our project. Hehehes :DD
Thanks Jiazi and Vivian!
Wanted to post the picture of us up but decided against it, because being in media courses teach us that we have to ask permission before we use people's photo. Shall not post if not my journalist professor sue me later LOLOL!
4) Another headache project which we eventually managed to rush it out, and quite well done in fact ❤
I usually finished my projects/presentation slides a few days (maximum one day) before the submission deadline because #kiasu.
However, this project got me feeling like @()=+-/%: because on the night before submission we were still rushing. I slept at 1.30am because I was really too tired, and some others are still doing last minute checks of the report.
But all went well. I think both our report and presentation are really well done. :D They are good team mates but I think I don't really have dynamics with them. LOL. It takes me quite some time to warm up to people, and I guess by the last tutorial, I feel less out of place already, but still... Hahahaha.
3) I have a cute professor. ❤
My team mates left early, so I requested a solo picture with my NM2219 professor. Boy, she is freaking cute because she practically just 'hug' me like I'm a friend, LOL. I mean ususlly, your professor and you will be standing quite awkwardly rights hahaha.
And shs 'insulted' Amanda for her lousy (LOL) photography skills. Not once, not twice. It seems like we keep retaking because the professor says she look ugly in the photos, and even provided a mini lesson on phototaking for Amanda. HAHAHA Omg biggest joke of the semester. :P
Now you know who to avoid when you need to find people to help you take photos.
You spend your whole life
stuck in the labyrinth,
thinking how you'll escape one day,
and how awesome it will be,
and imagining that the future keeps you going,
but you never do it.
You just use the future to escape the present.
Eh hello is it must avoid me HAHAAH so annoying lor the prof 😅