Time flies, and it was already Week 10 of school, which also meant that I still have three weeks more to go before I graduate (officially become jobless). T.T The grass is always greener on the other side, because right now I am dreading graduation. I hate having not plan my life at all. Arghs.

(NM4883D Groupmates)
Throwback to the summer break where happiness still exists. Finally met up with the groupmates for dinner at Din Tai Fung after so long. Two of them are already working, and it is soon my turn to join them yikes. They seemed to be enjoying work though, and I aspire to be like them LOL. Jiayous everyone, we can all do this!
(Beef Brisket Noodles)
I also met Hui Qi to eat Hong Kong Wanton Noodles for dinner at erm, Hong Kong Wonton Noodles. That is legit the name of the restaurant, and it is located at Plaza Singapura. LOL, I ordered the beef brisket which was supposed to taste nice but personally I don't really like wanton noodles so... And it also looked a little unappetizing hmm... T.T
(Roast pork and chicken)
Bukit Batok has a super delicious food stall selling roast pork and roast chicken, so my family has been visiting the hawker every two weeks? LOL, talk about humans being habitual creatures, we always go back to eating the same food we think is delicious.
(Black Soya Ice Cream)
I got a black soya ice cream from Mr Bean a few weeks ago. It was quite funny because after I bought it, there are 2-3 people who flocked over and asked me if it tasted nice. LOL, I guess people are naturally attracted to exotic stuff - I mean what are the chances you will see ice cream that is grey in color rights? Mr Bean should thank/pay me because I helped them to attract customers just by standing there and eating my ice cream. :D
Also, waving goodbye to my pretty wedges. I decided to wear it out after so long but I guessed I didn't take care of it well enough because it gave way T.T I love this pair though!!
You know one thing about memory?
You don’t just keep the stuff in your head.
It’s all over your body.
One night I woke up with a pain on my shoulder
and I realised how much I missed
the weight of his head lying on it.
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