Life's after finals is really good. It has been two weeks ever since my last exam, and I have been out practically everyday. Exhausted, but in a good way I guess :D
(Ripped from
It was an impromptu family sports day, LOL! Played table tennis with the family because that was the only sports which I don't have to make advance booking for (since it is not a popular sports). Just a reminder guys, the activesg's free $100 is expiring soon, and in order to extend it, one has to make at least one booking to re-activate it again. So do remember to activate it in order to continue enjoying the benefits! :D
Thanks fam bam for making table tennis sessions always so enjoyable. I think our skills are so noobish that the balls kept flying everywhere and it was quite embarrassing, but ohwell, having fun is the more important than being afraid of getting judged, rights!
Because you exercised, so you gave yourself the excuse of having the liberty to enjoy some nice desserts:
(New York Cheesecake)
Priced at $3.50, coupled with free parking, my current favourite eating place is the Gain City Megastore @ Sungei Kadut. Delicious food at affordable prices, and best of all there were no queues because the place is quite inaccessible without a car. :D
Hot Tomato for lunch with Amanda before we went shopping at Plaza Sing. It feels good to go out with her again. It has been so long?! The only place we meet for the last 4 months has been school, school, and still school. We sure are boring people LOL.
After which, we went to the events company for a Pizzahut dinner before the meeting. Finally back after a long 3-month hiatus. They moved to a new place recently, and I think I am the last person to step into the new office? LOL. Oops!
Some things happened, and I am in no position to say anything, but I feel that A is not to be blamed for the matter. If you want something, you have to open your mouth and say it, and not assume that people know what you want and then blame them when you don't get what you want. >.<
Anyways, I always feel very stressed whenever I step foot into the company. I didn't even feel so much stress even when I have to give presentations or attend interviews?! T.T
Headed out with my sister to catch 'Lulu the Movie', a movie that was filmed, directed and acted by our homegrown star Michelle Chong. I was initially quite excited about it, after watching the trailers and all the youtube promotional videos. However, Amanda watched it before me and warned me against it, but err I decided to ignore her advice and went ahead to watch...

(Ripped from Left Profile)
I wasted my $7. LOL, there was no plot?! What happened to the girlfriend Sonia? What happened to the twin brother? There were many loopholes, and the story weren't complete. I was just confused the whole while. Though I won't deny the multiple hilarious parts of the movie, however most of them appeared in the trailer already so it wasn't as funny. There were many redundant parts as well, such as the street interviews, it seemed as though they were only used to fill up the screen time. I don't see the point of it.
Sighs. I regretted not heeding your advice, Amanda. LOLOL!
But darling, in the end,
you've got to be your own hero,
because everyone's busy trying
to save themselves.
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